Specialist support available

Report to Police: call 999 in an emergency, the Police non-emergency number 101 or attend any local Police station.

There are also a lot of confidential and independent support organisations that can support you:
  • Report it to stop it: support to report unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport – text 61016 or call 101.
  • Revenge Porn Helpline: the UK’s only service dedicated to supporting all adults who have been victim of intimate image abuse. They provide free, non-judgmental and confidential advice and support via email and phone – 0345 600 0459 (10.00am-4.00pm Monday to Friday).
  • StreetSafe | Metropolitan Police: StreetSafe is a service that allows you to report safety concerns in public places, on your way to or back from the campus, without giving the Police your name (anonymously). This includes issues like poorly lit streets, abandoned buildings, or vandalism, as well as instances where you feel unsafe due to someone following or verbally abusing you.
  • Rights of Women: Run a Sexual Harassment at Work Advice Line and have a range of resources on sexual harassment at work they also have information sheets regarding Revenge Pornography, Online Abuse and the law.
  • Hollaback!: a movement to end harassment in public spaces powered by local activists.
  • Safe and the City: a personal safety navigation app to route, share and rate your walks.
  • Victim Support: for all victims of crimes, including domestic and sexual violence, harassment and hate crime.
  • Queen Mary's Legal Advice Service:  Offer legal support to those who feel they have been a victim of someone sharing and publishing intimate images without their consent (Revenge Porn).

Queen Mary Support for Students
Report and Support: you can report an incident using the Queen Mary’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support by filling in the form with your contact details.  In the case of reporting with contact details and requesting an investigation, a member of the Academic Appeals, Conduct and Complaints team will discuss with you whether your report can be dealt with under the Code of Student Discipline. If requesting support, you will be referred to Advice and Counselling.

Sexual Assault and Harassment Adviser (SAHA): The SAHA is a specialist adviser who provides emotional and practical support to anyone who has been raped, sexually assaulted, or harassed, whether that’s happened recently or in the past. The SAHA can support you whether this happened at University or not, and can also help you to access other available support services.  To find out more about the SAHA please click here

To get support from our SAHA you can either: 
  • Make a report on Report and Support 
  • Complete a referral to the Counselling service via MySIS (please click on the Student Services/SEC Online tab at the top and select ‘Submit a request for counselling or mental health advice’)
  • You can also ask your Student Support Officer to refer you
For Medical Students: If you experience of witness this during a clinical placement this should be reported via Report and Support. Your report will be triaged and referred to the Governance Manager and Student Academic & Pastoral Support Office within the School. Guidance on what SMD will do with such reports and the additional support available can be found on the QMPlus module here

Advice and Counselling: the Advice and Counselling Service at Queen Mary is available for advice and guidance on further support options and for ongoing support for students. They provide a range of specialist, professional and confidential services to support students with financial, welfare, legal as well as emotional and psychological issues. You can request to be referred to them by completing a report with your contact details or contacting the team directly.

Your Student Support Officer: They are your first point of contact in your academic school/institute. They can also arrange support if your studies have been affected, or will be affected, by what has happened. You can also arrange to see your personal tutor or academic adviser in your academic school.

Residential Support: If you are living in Queen Mary accommodation you can talk to the Residential Support team who are there to support all aspects of your wellbeing in halls.

Security: Queen Mary's Security team provide a 24 hour service.

The Students' Union Academic Advice Service: the Students' Union provides a confidential, non-judgemental and free service available to all current Queen Mary Students.  It is independent from the university, so issues discussed with the Academic Advice Service will not appear on your Queen Mary file without your consent.  The Academic Advice Service provides specialist advice and support on academic issues such as concerns about your university experience, the student complaints procedure, appeals, disciplinary hearings, academic misconduct investigations and applications for extenuating circumstances.

Queen Mary Support for Staff 

Report and Support: you can report an incident using the Queen Mary’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request support by filling in the form with your contact details.  Your report will be progressed by HR and, in the case of reporting with contact details, a HR Adviser or HR Partner will discuss with you the options for dealing with your report informally or formally, under the grievance policy.  

Employee Assistance Programme: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year support

  • Confidential support, which is independent from Queen Mary
  • Accessible via phone, e-mail, instant messaging and website
  • No cost to you
  • Professional consultation, counselling, information, resources and referrals to services in your local area
  • No limit to the number of issues you can get support on
Trade Unions: Queen Mary recognises five campus trade unions: Unite, UCU, Unison, BDA, and BMA. Staff who are members can contact them for support and advice.

Queen Mary Occupational Health: Occupational Health works to promote health in the workplace and forms part of the overall health and safety management system, focusing on the management of work related health risks. This can include the prevention of work related ill health, facilitating rehabilitation after illness and injury, and promoting physical and mental wellbeing. Occupational Health can provide advice signpost staff to appropriate services. Just email: occhealth@qmul.ac.uk.

Further support

  • ACAS: has created Guidance for employees on bullying and harassment at work.
  • Citizens Advice: provides some information on bullying and harassment.
  • TUC Advice: information for staff who have experienced sexual harassment at work. 
This page lists services based in the UK.  If you are working or studying outside of the UK at the moment and would like some guidance finding specialist support services near you, please contact:

There are two ways you can tell us what happened