If you are based at our Malta campus and require specialist services:

Useful support links:
Malta Police Force
Emergency Cases 
Emergency number 112 is used among the European Union countries. 112 can be dialled both from fixed telephone lines as well as from mobile phones. 

112 is to be used in cases when urgent assistance from the Police, Civil Protection or an Ambulance is required. 

Non-Emergency Cases 
Should a person require Police assistance in relation to a non-emergency case, one may call the Police Command and Control room via (+356) 2122 4001-9. 

Online Report
Reports which are related to non-emergency offences, contraventions and stolen property or damages costing less than €232.93 may be filed online. To file a report online, please click here

Crime Stop 
119 is a free phone number which may be used from fixed telephone lines as well as from mobile phones. This number is to be used to give information to the Police. Information given may assist the Police to solve a crime. 

Police Stations 
Local Police stations may be reached either via telephone number (+356) ​2122 4001, vie e-mail pulizija@gov.mt or by physically going to the Police station.

Sexual assault
For any information or queries regarding the Sexual Assault Response Team kindly contact Victim Support Malta on +356 2122 8333 or info@victimsupport.org.mt.

Any crime, including domestic abuse 
Victim support Malta  offer provision of emotional support to assist victims in overcoming trauma following a crime; information and support pertaining to the relative criminal procedures (e.g. the victims’ right to request compensation and to access forms of protection provided by the law); and practical assistance (e.g. liaison with the police, or other ancillary matters). VSM offer emotional support to victims of crime, such as theft, burglary, cyber crime, domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment, physical assault and hate crime.

Hate crime 
The Victim Support Agency offers advice and support to all victims of hate crime and hate speech. 

National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) provides information on discrimination laws. 

Cyber Crime
The Cyber Crime Unit is a specialised section within the Malta Police Force that provides technical assistance in the detection and investigations of crime wherein the computer is the target or the means used.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened