
Queen Mary University of London, launched the Report + Support platform in October 2019, following a pilot during September 2019. Report + Support is a secure online platform which allows students, staff and visitors to report issues of bullying, harassment, hate crime or sexual violence. Reports may be anonymous, or may request contact with staff. This report covers the fourth year since Queen Mary launched Report + Support, covering the period from the 20 October 2022 to the 19 October 2023.

Insights from this report support the work of the Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Working Group (PHASE). Informing intervention and prevention approaches to make Queen Mary a safe and inclusive community. The working group is jointly chaired by Alex Prestage, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Simon Jarvis, Head of Student Wellbeing. The group has representation from across the Queen Mary Faculties, HR, Student Experience and the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services, as well as partnership with Queen Mary Students' Union. The group reports to the Queen Mary Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group (EDI-SG) and is informed by the Office for Students Statement of Expectations and sector guidance.

It is our aim to increase awareness of the Report + Support platform and to encourage reports, because reports are essential to effective prevention and response. We expect to see increases in reports following communication campaigns and events, and consider an increase in incoming reports to be an indicator of trust and confidence in the reporting process and subsequent response. Specifically, an increase in contact requests (i.e. non-anonymous reports) over time is an indicator of increased trust in the university process.

Changes and updates to Report + Support in 2022/23

This year we have updated our Data protection policies and we no longer notify an individual when they are named in a report as the reported party. We hope this is a step to reducing understandable concerns around retaliation.

In October we introduced sub-categories for Hate Crime, in response to a rise in the number of hate crime/hate incident reports received in 2022/23. These provide us with more detail on who is being impacted by hate incidents and will inform our prevention work.

We had intended to share detail in this year's report on sanctions applied when a case progressed to a disciplinary stage. Due to a lower number of student cases reaching disciplinary panel stage this year we are unable to provide meaningful and unidentifiable information on sanctions. We will continue to look to include this in future reports and we will shortly be updating our process flowcharts to provide more transparency on what happens when a report is made.

Data insights


The data reported here comprises anonymous and named reports received through Report and Support from the 20 October 2022 – 19 October 2023. It does not include data on reports made directly to another department or service at Queen Mary. In this period a total of 293 reports were received (duplicate reports or inappropriate reports have been removed).

Total number of reports in 2022/23 compared to 2021/22


1. A chart comparing the number of reports received by month in 2022/23 compared with 2021/22.

We had an increase of 94 reports compared with the last reporting period. This reporting year we received the highest number of reports since Report + Support was introduced in October 2019.

Number and % of anonymous v named reports for the period

As a University we are limited in the action we can take from an anonymous report. If there is a cluster of anonymous reports relating to a particular department or a particular type of incident, some generalised action can be taken (e.g. awareness raising campaigns; raising this within a department).

For action to be taken on a specific report, we require the individual(s) to report with their contact details so that we may ascertain more information and provide advice on options for further investigation and/or support.

As shown in the chart below, we received 171 named reports and 122 anonymous reports.

Report anonymously122
Report with contact details171

2. A chart showing the number of anonymous reports compared with reports made with contact details in 2022/2023.

The chart below shows a comparison to the previous reporting period, there has been a small increase in the number of named reports since last year.

% of anonymous v named reports year on year comparison

Report anonymously88
Report with contact details110

3. A chart showing the number of anonymous reports compared with reports made with contact details in 2021/2022.

Students are more likely to report providing their details than anonymously. This year 67% of reports from students were named, a slightly increase on last year where 60.2% of reports from students were named.

Anonymous reports are more common from staff members, making up 55.7% of reports received this year. Overall we have seen an increase in the number of staff reports, 41 in 2021/2022 and 66 reports in 2022/2023.

Who is reporting?

Relationship to organisation

The majority of reports we receive are made by the person who has experienced the issue (76.3%). Reports made on behalf of someone else accounted for 22.4% of reports.

As shown in the table below, Undergraduate students are the largest reporting group. For staff there is a similar number of reports from academic and professional services staff. This trend remains consistent with previous reporting periods.

We received 32 reports (16% of all reports) from those who selected their connection to the University as: Other, Friend or Family, Visitor or Alumni. 18 of these reports were anonymous and we are unable to verify if these reports were relating to an incident connected to the University.

Friend or family8
Postgraduate Research Student23
Postgraduate Taught Student30
Queen Mary Staff – academic36
Queen Mary Staff – professional services29
Third Party Staff1
Undergraduate Student139

4. A table showing the number of reports by each reporting group.


The chart below shows the number of reports we had from each faculty or department of the University. and if they were anonymous or named reports. The reporting party and reported party may not be in the same faculty or area of the University and some reported parties are not a member of the Queen Mary community. Where reports are made anonymously it is not possible to rule out multiple reports made by one person. When possible we have sought to remove duplicate reports.

Report anonymouslyReport with contact detailsTotal
Humanities and Social Sciences246387
Medicine and Dentistry4357100
Professional Services7815
Science and Engineering202747

5. A chart showing the number of reports in each faculty, within professional services teams or the other category.

Incident types

Please note that the reporting party selects the incident type rather than the University categorising the incident reported.

Number of reports received per incident type

The chart below shows the overall number of reports received by incident type. Consistent with previous reporting periods, bullying remains the top reported incident. There has been a slight decrease in the number of reports of harassment from last year, from 16.% in 2021-2022 to 9.6% in 2022-2023. However, there has been an increase in the number of people making hate crime/hate incident reports, from 13 reports (6.6%) in 2021-2022 to 49 reports (16.7% of all reports) in 2022-2023.

Female Genital Mutilation1
Forced Marriage1
Hate Crime/Incidents49
Relationship or Familial Abuse/Domestic Violence9
Sexual Harassment34
Sexual Misconduct4
Sexual Violence11
So-called ‘Honour’-Based violence1

6. Chart showing the number of incidents reported by incident type.

Incident type reported split by relationship to organisation

The table below provides a further breakdown of the type of incident per group. Consistent with previous years bullying remains the top reported issue by staff accounting for 65.2% of all staff reports. Harassment was the second most commonly reported incident type accounting for 12.3% of reports by staff members.

Bullying also remained the top reported incident type by students and accounted for 24% of all student reports.

When the incident types of Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Violence and Sexual harassment are grouped they become the second most reported incident types by students making up 21.3% of reports. Hate Crime/Incidents accounted for 20.3% of reports by students.

Staff (Academic and Professional Services)Students (UG, PGT, PGR)Visitor, Other, Friend/Family, AlumniTotal
Female Genital Mutilation0101
Forced Marriage0011
Hate Crime/Incidents339749
Relationship or Familial Abuse/Domestic Violence0549
Sexual Harassment428234
Sexual Misconduct1304
Sexual Violence010111
So-called ‘Honour’-Based violence0101

7. Table showing number of incident types reported by Staff, Students, and Visitor, other, friend/family and Alumni.

Reports from students about another student accounted for 59.4% of reports. 20.3% of reports from students were regarding a member of staff. In the remainder of reports the reporting party did not know the connection of the reported party to the University or they were reporting an incident by someone external to the University.

Reports from staff about another staff member accounted for 77.2% of reports. 21.2% of reports from staff were regarding a student.

Reasons for reporting anonymously

Please note that people can select more than one reason

Our anonymous reporting form includes a question about the reasons for choosing to report anonymously. This helps to identify common barriers to named reporting and allow us to consider strategies to overcome these barriers. We want to increase people’s confidence in coming forward with their contact details, so that action can be taken on specific reports.

Concerns about retaliation, that nothing would be done if a report was made and concerns about impact on current or future career continue to be the top reasons given for reporting anonymously.

Please see our introduction for steps we have taken since the previous report in response to concerns about retaliation.

Number of each reasons for reporting anonymously

I am worried about being called a trouble maker38
I am worried I will not be able to prove it happened26
I am worried that I won't be believed32
I am worried that there would be repercussions in my social circle21
I am worried the perpetrator would retaliate51
I do not want anyone to get into trouble12
I don't have enough time to make a report6
I don't know how to make a report6
I don’t think it is serious enough to warrant a report17
I don't want anyone to know it took place9
I feel partly to blame for what happened9
I feel too embarrassed/ashamed16
I have concerns that making a report may affect my current/future career42
I have concerns that making a report may impact my studies19
I reported it to someone at the University, but they didn't take it seriously15
I want to let the University know, but do not wish to make a formal report22
Nothing would be done if I made a report49
Support staff reporting on behalf of colleague or student for data collection3

8. Table showing the reasons given for reporting anonymously.

Number of each reasons for reporting anonymously by relationship to organisation

For staff, fear of retaliation, concerns that making a report may impact their career and a belief nothing would be done if they made a report were most commonly selected.

For students, a belief nothing would be done if they made a report, a concern about not being believed, fear of retaliation and not wanting to make a formal report were most commonly selected.

Contributing factors

Our reporting forms offer the reporting party an opportunity to reflect on and tell us if they feel that the victim was targeted because of any protected characteristics (please note, the victim may not be the same as the reporting party). It is also important to note that multiple options could be selected in a single report.

Excluding 'Other' and 'None' categories, Being a woman (32.3%), Ethnicity (24.5%), Nationality (12.9%) and Religion/Belief (11.6%) were most commonly cited as the factors perceived relevant to the victim being targeted across all incident types.

Being a man8
Being a woman95
Being trans and/or non-binary6
Disability or impairment9
Having caring responsibilities3
Having children/being pregnant4
Religion or belief34
Sexual identity15

9. A chart showing the perceived contributing factors in reports selected by reporting parties.

For Bullying, the categories of 'other' (34.7%) and 'none' (26.3%) were most commonly selected. Being a woman (21.1%) and Ethnicity (21.1%) were the third and fourth most selected contributing factors.

For Harassment, Being a woman (42.9%), Other (28.6%) and Religion or belief (21.4%) were the most selected perceived contributing factors.

For Hate Crime, Ethnicity (72%), Religion or belief (26%) and Nationality (20%) were the most selected perceived contributing factors.

When the categories of Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct are grouped, Being a woman (75.5%) was the most selected perceived contributing factor. Age was selected in 14.3% of cases.

Demographic data

Please note, to avoid identification of individuals we have grouped categories where suitable or not published where the number in a category is less than 5.


Non Binary6
Prefer not to say or In another way30

10. A table showing the gender of reporting parties.


18 – 21 years116
22 – 25 years59
26 – 35 years54
36 – 45 years19
46 – 55 years10
56 – 65 years6
Prefer not to say18

11. A table showing the age of reporting parties.

Sexual orientation

Gay man or Gay Woman/Lesbian8
Prefer not to say61

12. A table showing the sexual orientation of reporting parties.


Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi8
Asian or Asian British – Indian31
Asian or Asian British – Pakistani11
Black or Black British – African16
Black or Black British – Caribbean7
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African or White and Asian 13
Other Asian background13
Other ethnic background12
Other mixed background6
Prefer not to say45

13. A table showing the ethnicity of reporting parties.


Prefer not to say35

14. A table showing the number of reports where the reporting party has or does not have a disability.


No religion67
Prefer not to say58

15. A table showing the religion/belief of reporting parties

Case outcomes

Number of cases per outcome

Reports are closed and marked with an outcome on the system, the table below details the outcomes of cases in this reporting period. Please note, some cases remain open and in some cases more than one outcome was selected.

Of the 171 reports which provided contact details, 84 requested to be referred to support services and 117 requested an investigation by Queen Mary. (It was possible to choose one or both options.) Incoming reports were triaged to the appropriate support in less than 1 working day (0.36 days).

30 reports were assigned to HR. The employee relations team in HR provide support for staff as well as investigations.

Reports from students are triaged to the Academic Appeals, Complaints and Conduct office and/or the Advice and Counselling service dependent on the outcome requested by the student.

  • The Academic Appeals, Complaints and Conduct office were assigned 35 reports.
  • The Advice and Counselling service were assigned 33 reports.
  • Cases were referred to both the Academic Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office and the Advice and Counselling service in 30 reports.
  • 16 reports were assigned to the team within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry for raising clinical concerns.

Queen Mary Staff (Academic & Professional Services) Students (UG, PGT, PGR)Visitor, Friend or Family, Alumni, Other Total
External referral (e.g. social services, police, external counselling, GP, Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Rape Crisis)0505
Report withdrawn by reporting party2507
Discussed risk factors and basic safety advice given0606
Internal referral for local resolution (within academic school/ line management / residences)37010
Internal referral: Academic Appeals, Conduct and Complaints Office for investigation1607
Internal referral: Other0719
Internal referral: Raising Clinical Concerns process (SMD)1809
Internal referral: Student Support services (Advice and Counselling; Disability and Dyslexia Service)017018
Investigation: Formal Action (e.g Disciplinary Hearing)0123
Investigation: No further action612018
No further action: no case to answer2024
No response / disengaged - case closed115420
Support / advice given716326
Triage: Closed as anonymous / no action required426920132
Triage: Closed as duplicate4105
Triage: Report inappropriate - contacted reporting party and signposted elsewhere04610

16. A table showing the case outcomes recorded on Report + Support for each reporting party category.

Project Evaluation

Training for students

This was the fourth year of providing the e-learning module on sexual consent, Consent Matters. Content was updated and re-launched for August 2023. Between August 2023 and 31st October 2023, 1697 students had completed the course, an increase of over 600 students from the 2021/22 academic year.

In September 2023 we launched a new micro-learning course, 'Harassment and Sexual Misconduct on Campus' for incoming undergraduates. The course covers key learning outcomes and behaviours regarding harassment & sexual misconduct, as well as where to report things and get support as needed, learners were also able to ask questions responded to by the Student Life team. The course was sent to 3,610 undergraduates. 74.3% (2,682) accessed the course, with 62.5% (2,256) fully completing the course.

In November 2022 we held an Allyship and Misogyny training for students, delivered by Tower Hamlets council.

In February 2023 we organised workshops for students on 'Combating sexual harassment and violence here in the UK' delivered by London Black Women's Project and a session on 'Body image, communication and pleasure' delivered by Positive East.

Training for staff

In December 2022 we held a training for staff on "Harmful Practices, so called ‘Honour’ based Violence and Forced Marriage" delivered by Tower Hamlets Council.

In August 2023 we held Domestic Abuse Awareness training for staff in Advice and Counselling delivered by Tender, a domestic abuse charity.

Report + Support briefing sessions were held for staff in the Wolfson Institute for Population Health and the William Harvey Research Institute in June 2023.

Awareness campaigns

  • 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence (Nov 2022 - Dec 2022) - During the 16 days we held training for staff, workshops for students, a trauma-informed yoga session and stalls to raise awareness of local support services. We organised a consultation session inviting students to shape our responses to sexual violence and harassment.
  • Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness week (Feb 2023) - During this week we held training for staff on responding to disclosures, organised workshops for students. We also held a set of stalls with sexual violence service providers.
  • Hate Crime Awareness week (Oct 2023) - During this week we held an information stall for staff and students raising awareness of what Hate Crime is and how to access support and report it.
  • In August 2023 we created new Report + Support campaign materials to highlight sexual assault and spiking.

Awareness of Report + Support

Our Report + Support webpages received 16,362 unique visits in this reporting period. This is a significant increase from the previous year (4,515). Links to our support articles 'Coercive Control in relationships' and 'What is homphobia, transphobia, biphobia and acephobia' were shared on third party websites which resulted in an increase in visits. Excluding these articles our total unique visits were 5,223.

For the first time we introduced a question in the survey sent to new students following Welcome week relating to Report + Support. 'During Welcome week did you hear about Report + Support?'. 56% of respondents agreed, 24% answered it did not happen, 13% don't know and 8% disagree. We held a stall to raise awareness of Report + Support during Welcome Week 2023 and worked with internal communications teams to ensure it is referred to in University communications for staff and students.

Action plan

This report is shared with the Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Sexual Misconduct working group (PHASE) and approved for publication by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering group (EDISG).

Data and insights from this report are used by PHASE and the Policy & Campaigns Manager (Tackling Sexual Violence, Harassment and Hate Crime) to prioritise areas of work.

In the remainder of the 2023/2024 academic year we will be piloting our face to face workshops on Consent and Bystander Intervention and rolling out a second round of 'Harassment and Sexual Misconduct on Campus' for the students joining in January 2024.

We are working with colleagues in HR and Appeals, Complaints and Conduct to refresh and provide more detail on the processes that follow after they receive a report, in response to feedback on the need to provide more transparency on processes.

We will continue to work with colleagues in HR and The Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office in our aim to include information on sanctions, in addition to case outcomes in future reports.

We welcome suggestions and feedback, please contact to share any thoughts.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened