For staff:
To date we have run training on:
  • Sexual Violence Support Awareness and Responding to disclosures of sexual violence
  • Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) First Aid
  • Hate Crime Awareness, in partnership with the local authority
  • Domestic Abuse Awareness, in partnership with the local authority
  • Harmful Practices Awareness (Forced Marriage, So called 'Honour' based violence and FGM), in partnership with the local authority
If you would like information about booking a space, please email 

Queen Mary’s Professional Development team have developed Queen Mary Bystander, available in a new, more accessible e-learning format which you can now find on QMplus.  This e-learning will introduce you to the ideas and tools, then let you try out a number of scenarios where you can test them out and see where they might lead.
Building on the e-learning, there is also a workshop to explore some more complex scenarios and discuss them with small groups.  To book a place, first complete the e-learning and then search on the CPD booking system for course code PD230b (please note your place may be cancelled if you book before completing the e-learning). 

For students:
This year we have organised workshops on: 
  • Mental wellbeing, sex and healthy relationships with Beyond Equality
  • Building a culture of consent with Solace Women's Aid 
Last year we held workshops on:
  • Combating sexual harassment and violence in the UK
  • Allyship and Misogyny 
  • Consultation sessions for feedback on QMUL support services
If you would like to suggest additional training options not listed here, please contact so that we can consider this or help put you in contact with suitable organisations who run training. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened