From 25 November to 10 December 2024, the Queen Mary community will mark 16 days of awareness, action and allyship against gender-based violence.

You can find out more about the global campaign here.

Wednesday 27th November

Information stall on support services at Queen Mary

Queen Mary has a range of support for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, harassment, domestic abuse and other forms of gender-based violence. We will be sharing information about the support available for students and inviting you to reflect on what makes a healthy relationship.

Library Foyer, Mile End. 10:30am-12:30pm

Inclusive Leadership Training - Led by Beyond Equality

The CPD-accredited Inclusive Leadership Training is designed for students in/going into positions of leadership and is offered as part of QMSU's Skills award. The workshop focuses on four topics: Communication & boundaries, Consent culture (sexual violence and harassment), Inclusion & belonging and Supporting & reporting.

To register you must sign up for QMSU's Skills award. After you have registered for the Skills award you can register for the training.

Blomeley Rooms, Students Union Hub, Mile End. 1pm-5pm.

Tuesday 3rd December

London Borough of Tower Hamlets Safety Surgery

Join us in Library Square to meet Tower Hamlets' Safer Communities team, offering advice on aspects of safety and current support services in the borough and nationally.

Library Square, Mile End. 12pm-2pm


Building and Nurturing Healthy Relationships

This post was written for the Advice and Counselling service's 'Your Mind Matters' blog by Ana Flores Reis.

For more information on any of our events please email

There are two ways you can tell us what happened